Saturday, March 29, 2008

L-plate Lesson 2: Mar 2 (Sun) 10:30-11:30am

I wanted to finish with Figure-8 on a slope first.

There were a few boys doing the same thing, but obviously much better. I spent a good amount of time watching them.

Thank god I sorted out my clutch/throttle to start going uphill properly. This day I had 2 fell-out from the bike in a stationery position already grrr... A good piece of oil stink was left.

The top loop I did ok - but it's not easy on the lower loop. I semi-crashed both times I attempt turning back uphill on the slope. On a flat surface was definitely a lot easier.

The more I go, the more worries I had, and my performance was getting disappointing. But I spent some more time at the ground-level figure-8 line at the side, and told myself that I can actually manage it on ground level! Also I did some cone-threading (go left/right alternatively towards a row of cones) and had no problem with it. Guess it is just the confidence I need more.

There were 2 guys, probably going a bit bored, and decided to do the figure-8 simultaneously. Looked like a circus :)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

L-plate Lesson 1: Feb 23 (Sat) 3.30-7.30pm

This was the first lesson after passing the first exam.

A cloudy day to start off with.

There were 2 other girls in the class making up 6 students in total.

The instructor showed use some vids on "Figure 8 on a slope" - which is the first part of the Road Exam leading to a Probation license.

We were quickly sent off to the practice area and taking turns going onto the slope.

My clutch control was not the best - I was literally stuck in the middle of the slope, struggling to get uphill with a consistently dying engine. If it was not of the instructor, I couldn't have managed getting it going at all!!

We were first doing on a "_/-" surface rather than the exam requirement of on "/" only. So when we turn, we were on a flat surface. The slope was about 2-bike width, and you really have to turn sharp to avoid hitting the edge of the slope.

Going downhill required a lot of foot-braking too. If you go too fast, you won't be able to turn back in and go uphill again.

Overall I managed the turn at the hill-top fine. There was only once where the instructor was shouting at me for not keeping the throttle up at the turn - I panicked and crashed at the edge... Same thing that happened during the exam I failed previously...


After Figure 8, we were allowed out to the streets following the instructor. Rain was getting more serious, so I put on the yellow raincoat they have at school.

There were 2 exam routes and we went through both that evening. 3 of us were in a group with the instructor, with me following him on the 2nd row. Overall it was a easy experience, since I had nothing to worry about apart from following whatever the instructor did, like when to signal turns, where to turn, when to change lanes, etc. But then I doubt if I could handle the road alright without someone in front doing the same thing...

The rain was really heavy when we did the 2nd route. The WHOLE of my jeans was soaking wet, and as I put my left foot down at the traffic lights, I stepped into the drainage, making my foot in a muddle of mud... Grrr also that a few times I was too eager to start and killed the engine when the lights turned green. I guess the male classmate driving behind me got a bit annoyed.

On return I had a very obvious mistake of stopping at the 2nd gear going uphill (that was back at school at the simulated roads). Anyway I was stuck at the slope and was forced to "peddle" down. Highly embarrassing. So I really need to sort out my "climbing" skills.