Thursday, October 25, 2007

Self Study 2: Oct 21 (Sun) 3.30-4.30pm

This was a holiday weekend and I felt like a ride.

In fact, this has been the best ride so far.

Warming myself up with a few rounds at the practice area, I moved on to the "examination area" with the 30-meter butterfly course permanently set up.

There were 2 other boys practicing for their exam on the following day. The taller one had some trouble letting go of the clutch and was driving on a wavy line, smashing some cones along his way. On the contrary, I was SMOOTH. Out of the 5 mock exams I gave myself, I've only messed up with the clutch twice (engine died off, right foot off peddle)... For the rest of the time, my starting, turning, gearing, stopping were having zero problem. Excellent! I wish the boys good luck. Looking at them reassured myself that practice really makes perfect. It was a long way.

Feeling rather excited, I carried on to try out the roads within the motoring school area. It felt great to be able to ride alongside other 4-wheelers and big coaches, and it was even better to speed up (to 30km/h at one point...) going against the wind.

I've rescheduled my compulsory exams to 29 Nov. They have some staffing problems at the Department of Transport it seems... But anyway I think I'll give it one more go the weekend before the exam. Haven't really catch up with the "8" or starting uphill, and I should.

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