Saturday, May 10, 2008

L-plate Lesson 8: May 7 (Wed) 2.30-4.30pm

This is the first taught class after taking 7 classes of self-study.

Having no full-time job to catch, I'm finally having a class in the week. Ended up being me with the instructor, 1-to-1.

After 20mins or so warming-up, I'm okay and we headed off the street, with the instructor leading.

The first thing I notice was... he's FAST! He was already miles away after the first lights outside the motoring school. Argh... I have to really throttle up to get nearer.

Also the instructor was turning his head, excessively, at almost every light and turn. But it must be the right way to do. When we're turning left, he's checking both the left and right before and during the turn.

We were back at the school in no time. I landed on my right foot and got a remark... argh.

The instructor said that the exam was not just about riding, but how to handle different situation on the road. It's important to know when to speed up, slow down, turn, change lanes, and stop.

Next up is the longer route so it's good to practice more on the speed part. Averaging now 40km/hr. and I'm slowly getting it.

At one junction a coca-cola truck was turning on my right, but suddenly cut into my lane after the turn... So I had to stop there and wait till he's done. Just one of the things the instructor was saying - sometimes you're doing fine, but another vehicle does not behave. So as drivers you have to stay alert at all times.

Suddenly all these repetitive practice on the same routes become a lot more interesting. As there's still a lot to get used to, like the gearing up/down part.

We did one more round of the shorter route, and there was only 10 mins left for figure 8.

He didn't watch for the most part, but I was actually doing quite well. At one point I was making 8 continuously non-stop. It's a lot easier when I am so focus into looking up to where I was heading. Combining with more practice starting uphill, I should have no problem, at last!

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